I finally bought a new chair to watch my child’s eating posture

It’s been a few months since my son Takeh stopped wanting to sit in his BabyBjörn toddler chair.

We finally decided to buy a chair because we didn’t want him to make a mess at the table right before dinner.

When he sits in an adult chair, it’s not the right size, but it makes for a peaceful meal. But he gets up during the meal, asks his mother to carry him, and is just restless. I knew I had to get a chair that was the right size for him.

I liked the BabyBjörn chair. Too bad. It would be a waste to throw it away, so I’m going to donate it to a local parenting exchange.

One of the standard children’s dining chairs is the Tripp Trapp product.

There is a reason why it is a “standard” in parenting products. It is because it is reviewed by scores of parents every year. Don’t underestimate the history of word-of-mouth that has built up over the years.

When an innovative parenting product is introduced, it is okay to buy a non-standard product. However, I would advise against buying a questionable foreign product with little novelty now, such as a chair that has few word-of-mouth reviews.

Besides, Tripp Trapp is very expensive. An order of magnitude more than I would expect to pay.

The problem with childcare products is that even parents can’t imagine whether their children will like them or not. It would be a shame if a parent bought an expensive item for their child with the best of intentions and the child didn’t like it.

In the end, after much deliberation, the couple chose a child’s chair from “Tansu no Gen”.

Although it was cheaper than the Tripp Trapp, it still cost nearly 10,000 yen. We were very reluctant to buy it. It’s just a chair, right? It costs more than the dining chair (from IKEA) my parents use.

Assembling the chair that came home.

Takeh is curious about something unusual! and he would mess around with the chairs while assembling them. Each time, Ishi would say to him, “Wait a minute! Not now! He was always told, “No, not now!

I watch him to make sure Takeh doesn’t take the parts and screws.

It was a finished chair, but it seemed to him to be a vehicle for playing trains. First he tried to roll the chair over and get into the gap between the chair’s skeleton.

When he did that, only his buttocks got in, and he couldn’t get out. What do you do once you buy it?

Rescuing a crying Takeh, I said to him,

“Okay? Starting tomorrow, you’re going to sit in this chair and eat your dinner, okay? Understand?”

He replied, “Yes.

Recently he has started saying “yes” to everything his parents say. But it does not mean “I understand. It is a spinal reflex when the parent speaks to him in a questioning way (the intonation at the end of the word goes up). He does not understand and should not be reassured.

Sure enough, from the next day on, he did not try to use that chair and still wanted to eat his dinner on his mother’s lap.



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