It’s been four years! Times have changed and the island exile is no more [Nottore! Matsudai Castle 2023]

10:15 a.m.
I left Echigo Yuzawa station to rent a car.

There was a standing buckwheat noodle restaurant called “Yuzawa-an” inside the station, so I took a picture of it just in case.

It is only natural that soba and udon noodles are sold, but it seems that “ikura-tarako-meshi” and “beef koshihikari” lunch boxes are also sold.

In my mind, I am already thinking about tomorrow night. Echigo-Yuzawa Station is sure to be crowded on Sunday night. What to do for dinner is an important question. We adults can just say, “We’ll eat when we get back to Tokyo,” but there is no way to convince a two-year-old to do that.

It is important to find places to eat so that he does not get cranky when he is hungry.

Especially this year, we had to be careful with the schedule for “Nottore! Matsudai Castle” this year, I am not sure what the schedule is. No, the official website correctly states that “the venue closes at 3:00 p.m.”. But “seriously?” I wonder.

In my memory, there was a time when the lottery was over and the Hail Marys were sung at almost 4:00 p.m. Even if the event ended early, it would still be a good time to visit the hot springs in the neighborhood. Even though we finished early, there was a time when we had to stop at a nearby hot spring and we were just in time to catch the bullet train. So it is important to have plenty of time.

Again, there are restrictions due to the “presence of children. If it were just adults, I could say, “I don’t care if I get home late,” but with children, that’s not the case. I have daycare the next morning, and I have to be home at a time that is not too late. So I set the bullet train time early.

My son, Takeh, is being carried around in a stroller despite his reluctance.

He had refused to use a stroller, but he seems a little less resistant to the new vehicle, the stroller. When he gets tired of walking, he gets into the stroller by himself. Unlike a stroller, the stroller can be used like a chair.

In front of Echigo Yuzawa station. Oh, there is not much snow this year.

It’s getting warmer and there’s less snow on the mountainside. Since 2014, when I started participating in “Nottore! Since 2014, when I started participating in “Nottore!”, I feel that the snowfall has decreased every year.

Of course, there can be heavy snowfalls when the wind speed is at its highest, but the snow melts remarkably in March.

After renting a car, my first destination was a store called “Uonuma Sweets Garden – NATURA.

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