We will decide the best curry in Japan!

There are many curry shops in Kanda and Jimbocho area. In such a fierce battle zone, there is an event held once a year to decide the best curry restaurant. This is the “Kanda Curry Grand Prix.

In this fierce battleground, the selection of the No. 1 curry restaurant was a promise of a parade of delicacies. I decided to try a variety of curry dishes at the restaurant.

あっという間に食べて去れ【神田カレーグランプリ2018】 「カレー日本一を俺たちが決めてやる」オフとして、2013年に「神田カレーグランプリ」にむしゃぶりついた。 https://awaremi-tai.com/ibukuro0016.html この時は自分を...
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