Good recent purchase: bar mat (8x58cm)

When you live a teleworker-centered lifestyle, there is inevitably a lack of change in your life.

I want to have some exciting solution, gear, or content in my home, where I spend most of my time. To put it simply, it is greed.When you live a teleworker-centered lifestyle, there is inevitably a lack of change in your life.I want to have some exciting solution, gear, or content in my home, where I spend most of my time. To put it simply, it is greed.

However, we do not want to increase the number of things unnecessarily. We want to introduce things that we can think, “If this is the case, then it is acceptable to have more things. I want to try to live a “careful life.

This is what I have introduced in these days.However, we do not want to increase the number of things unnecessarily. We want to introduce things that we can think, “If this is the case, then it is acceptable to have more things. I want to try to live a “careful life.

This is what I have introduced in these days.

The product in this photo is called a bar mat.

When I saw the actual product, I thought, “Ah, I might have seen this in a restaurant,” but this is the first time I learned that this rubber product is called a “bar mat,” a common name.

It was originally used on bar counters. It is often placed under the spout of a beer server or where cocktails are made. It prevents drips from glasses and bottles from staining the counter.

It is a rubber mat with fine projections lined up in rows like the Kenzan of a flower arrangement. This prevents glasses from slipping, and any drips are hidden behind the rubber without being sticky or noticeable. A quick rinse later and you’re done.

We don’t have a place to make cocktails in our house. But I bought this because I wanted a place to dry water bottles and such.

As you can see in the photo, our sink has a stainless steel plate with punched holes where dishes and other items can be drained. I used to rinse water bottles, Nalgene bottles, etc. that I brought home from trips and turn them upside down here, but the problem was that I often turned them over while doing housework. The reason is that these are tall things and my hands would get caught in them.

Especially when I was lifting and lowering dishes from the dining room table over the counter, they would immediately bang and knock over the water bottles. I always wondered why they would do that.

This is the solution. Bar Mats.

I placed a bar mat on the counter behind the sink and placed water bottles and other items on it. This immediately reduced the amount of pushing and knocking and reduced the amount of daily stress.

In other words, the bar mat in our house is being used as a “place to put water bottles, bottles and glasses”. This is not its original purpose, but it does the job.

¥1,400 (2023/03/30 22:41時点 | Amazon調べ)

I have no idea which manufacturer’s products are better. I think you should just buy the cheapest one you can find. I don’t think there’s much difference between the two, like “this one is more comfortable to touch” or “it drains better”. I’ve never compared them, so I don’t really know.

By the way, mine was branded “KURASHI”, but I don’t know if it’s a Japanese company or not, and I don’t know its identity.

The size of 8cm✕58cm is just right for a counter draining area. It is ideal for drying water bottles. However, a mug that holds about 500 ml will stick out a bit.

The bar mat is also available in different sizes, such as 30cm✕45cm. If you don’t want to put glasses and dishes directly on the cabinet, you can put this bar mat underneath if you don’t want it to be bulky. It also prevents slipping and falling.

If you like to drink, you can buy bar mats with alcohol logos engraved on them as they are sold.



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