He weeps in front of the oyster fry.

At the dinner table, my son, Takeshi, is sobbing as he bends over.

They were shouting “I want to eat!” because the food we adults were trying to eat was not available at their place.

On the table of the adults were prepared fried oysters.

They are crispy fries that have just been fried in oil.

He has a food allergy and his parents have decided that it is too early to feed him oysters at this time. We will not know if he will have an allergic reaction to the oysters until he eats them. However, if he does have a reaction after eating them, it will be very difficult to treat him afterwards. Another concern is that even if he does not have an allergic reaction, he may react to the norovirus.

If we were to feed him, we would have to choose a time when it would be safe for him to sleep the next day, such as Friday night.

I didn’t expect him to respond so well to his parents’ cooking, so I was caught off guard.

He probably did not think it was fried shellfish, but rather thought it was a menchikatsu or croquette. He had gradually accumulated the knowledge that “brown food is good,” and he decided that this fried oyster must be delicious, even though he had never eaten it. So he cried and writhed and protested to his parents.

As a lesson learned, from now on, I will try to reduce “only parents eat” as much as possible, and if there is something that only parents eat, I will prepare a similar dish for the children that is an alternative to that dish. For example, in this case, I would prepare croquettes.

He is getting more and more insistent. I guess this is what they call human rights.



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